Thursday, June 18, 2020

Have At It.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 New International Version (NIV) 9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. I’m Sherryle Kiser Jackson, a teacher by profession, and a storyteller by pure passion. I was the one growing up who was told to speak up for myself, use my words, and find my voice. I see plot lines in print as well as in the lost art forms of quilting and letter writing. Since TV is the new American novel, I'm trying to imagine new ways to tell my stories. I literally have over ten blogs junking up the blogosphere. Some directly correlated with a novel I have written as a behind the scenes inspiration, process and eventual marketing of that story like Some of the blogs are autobiographical, private and more like a memoir of being a teacher or a parent to a son with a disability. This time out, I wanted to celebrate hope and capture fleeting or recurring inspirations to my writing process. Some may say if you mine ideas for stories here, you can't possibly share it. People will steal your ideas. Eight novels and three staged plays later, I understand there is a finite amount of stories out there.Hell, it only takes a consumer to media to know they've seen the same story done over and over. Many times when writers pitch an idea or manage to get a meeting with executives, they sign a release which more than likely has a clause that says an author cannot claim their idea was ripped off if the network or representative prospers off a similar idea. Similar is not the same. Do people steal ideas? Sure, but two writers could not execute the same story. The story would be different in style and tone. I am from a breed of writers that almost always intends to make my writing public. The ideas, photos, quotes and thoughts found here is content I want to see explored. Use them if you can. I hope to inspire Board games, comic books, choreography, music. sculptures and writing. It's a virtual Artist Date as explained by Julia Cameron in the book, The Artist Way. I started a MFA program in Script and Screenwriting at Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA in 2018. This blog is for me. Much of what you'll see is construction and deconstruction of story. It's how I think. If you prosper from it, we are kindred spirits. Have at it and share it.

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